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10 Unique health benefits of sex

SGIANT4U :: Update Current Information | A healthy sex life, defined loosely as "doing it" a couple of times or more per week (willingly and in good form, of course) has all sorts of interesting health benefits. So if you've been putting sex on the bottom of your to-do list, you may want to reconsider, if for no other than reason than it could save your life.

Unique health benefits of sex

Top 10 Health benefits of sex

1. Sex boosts immunity

We all have that friend or colleague who never gets sick -- not even a sniffle. Her secret could be sex. Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobin A or, for short, IgA; that's the stuff that fights off colds and other infections. Deduction: Sex = better immune system. Of course, you could eat an apple a day instead… your choice.

2. Sex de-stresses

Stressed out? You could try yoga, a glass of wine, a cry fest on your shrink's couch or -- yes, a romp in the sack. That's right: Sex is a proven stress reliever. Although your blood pressure may shoot for the roof while in the act, maintaining a healthy sex life results in overall lower blood pressure and stress reduction.

3. Sex increases heart health

Although having a heart attack while in the act may make for great melodramatic film, the likelihood is slim to none. Sex is actually heart healthy. For men in particular, those who engage in sexual activity two or more times per week reduce their risk of heart attack compared to those who have sex less than once per month -- not that you had to ever convince a guy to do it.

4. Sex promotes happy sleep cycles

Ever wonder why your man nods off after you've just rocked his world?! It's because of a little chemical called oxytocin that's released during orgasm. While it's annoying that he drifts off into dreamland when you may be ready for a round two, your own sleep cycle will be blissful, too, because this chemical promotes healthier sleep. In turn, good sleep is associated with weight and blood pressure maintenance.

5. Sex is a natural pain killer

Oxytocin also increases endorphins and decreases pain, particularly that of headaches -- which means that your old backpocket headache excuse isn't going to cut it anymore. Further, a romp in the sack also accelerates the healing of wounds -- even stubborn sores such as those suffered by diabetics -- by regenerating certain cells, so consider sex an excellent prescriptive cure.

6. Sex can help you shed pounds

Say you have a few pounds to lose but can't bear the thought of abandoning your love affair with nachos. Sex may be an option! While it may not produce the same kind of weight loss or muscle toning as traditional cardio, you will burn 170 calories per hour -- about a pound after 21 hour-long sessions.

7. Sex strengthens your bond
Oxytocin is also known as the "love hormone" because it helps us build trust and bond with one other, so naturally, the more sex a couple has, the more intimacy is built. It also has been linked with a feeling of generosity, so you can thank oxytocin for that bouquet of flowers or breakfast in bed you recently got.

8. Sex makes you feel hot!

A core component of great sex is good self-esteem. And when your self-esteem is healthy and you have sex, your self image is boosted even higher. By allowing yourself to be uniquely and beautifully you, and appreciated for that, you wind up feeling wonderful and confident from the inside out.

9. Sex lowers cancer risk

We love our guys, so let's love their prostates, too, by letting them get off more often. Studies show that men in their 20s who ejaculate five or more times a week reduce their risk of getting prostate cancer by a third, whereas older men reporting 21 or more ejaculations per month lowered theirs. And for us gals, more sex has been shown to decrease risk of breast cancer.

10. Sex produces more sperm

In several studies, men who had frequent intercourse had higher volumes of semen, higher sperm counts and higher percentages of healthier sperm than men having less sex. And his good semen is good for you in that, when absorbed, it can combat depression, boost your energy and even aid in easier baby deliveries.


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